
What makes Buck's Heating and Air Installations different?
One of the predominant ways that Buck’s Heating and Air differs from many of the other HVAC companies is in our Design and Installation Process. Did you know that more than 50% of the HVAC systems currently installed in homes have installation flaws causing 10% or more energy loss? A properly designed and installed heating and air system should be quiet, reliable, and be able to heat and cool your home evenly whether it is 75 degrees outside or 105 degrees. We custom design every single system by tailoring it to the needs of each home and client. By taking load calculations of the home and reviewing usage habits, we are able to suggest a system that will fit your unique needs.
What is the Buck's Heating and Air Guarantee?
We promise never to upsell bells and whistles, our goal is always to make your home as comfortable as possible while also staying within a comfortable budget. With that in mind, we have built our pricing structure so that we make the same amount – whether you are buying the top of the line system, or opting for a basic changeout. Our goal is to enable more of our customers to have access to the massive advancements in technology and comfort available with high efficiency equipment.