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Setting Your Thermostat for Success

Homeowner Adjusting Thermostat

What factors do I need to consider when setting my thermostat?

There are many variables to consider when setting your thermostat, whether you are changing the program or making a temporary adjustment. Each household will have different temperature needs and comfort levels. 

However, as a general rule, it is best to stick close to one temperature throughout the day. If the temperature needs to be adjusted, try not to raise or lower it by more than a couple of degrees at a time. 

Why should I try to maintain a consistent temperature?

Large jumps in temperature can put strain on your unit and decrease efficiency. In practical use, this may look like setting the thermostat to 80 while at work during the summer, and then dropping it to 65 when you get home in the evening. 

In addition to causing your heating and air system to have to work double time to try to “catch up”, this method will cause naturally hot or cold pockets in your home to become more noticeable. Rooms with more sun exposure, for example, will struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature in this scenario.

So what should I do instead?

In contrast, if you program your thermostat to maintain a relatively consistent temperature in your home, you will be maximizing the efficiency of your unit. If you’re applying these practice, and you are worried that your system is still not able to keep up with your needs, give us a call or send us a message below. 

If you think your system could benefit from a maintenance, check out our awesome maintenace plan deals

For more tips on maximizing the efficiency of you HVAC unit, check out this blog post for more ideas.